Recruitment Agency | Manpower Nepal - A manpower recruitment agency from Nepal providing One Stop Recruitment Solution with Prompt Reliable and Efficient Services.
We mainly supply Security Guards (ex-army & police personnel) for security services providing companies / government & private organisations / industries / factories / personal security guards and bodyguards.
Other categories we provide are labours / general helpers / production operators / Hotel & Catering Staffs / cleaners / skilled - un-skilled people for various job categories and for a range of job sectors.

The Nepali workers who were forced to return from Libya after a sudden breakout of war have been left high and dry as they are facing difficulties to exchange Libyan Dinar that they have brought with them.

Though the Libyan Dinar has been deposited to Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) for the exchange, the central bank is refusing to deal out Nepali currency in exchange of Dinar, said the workers.

The central bank has not yet decided to deal out the exchange of some 265,000 Libyan Dinar brought by workers citing the currency is not in Central Bank’s exchange list, they added.

Last Updated: Tue, 19.04.11 13:31
